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Seminal Cultural Competency and HIV Research & Reports

Classic articles, journals, and research papers written about HIV/AIDS.

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The following resources are available from the AETC NMC Electronic Library as well as repository locations of our collaborative partners. Materials are listed with most recent items first.

  • As it is. Research finding on the knowledge, attitude, practice, and access to HIV and AIDS information and services amongst persons with disabilities
    Handicap International commissioned this study, conducted in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, and Thika to obtain scientific information concerning  knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to HIV/AIDS among persons with disabilities. The findings of this study will be used to guide the planning and implementation of HIV prevention and management programs for people with disabilities.
    Source: PubMed 2012
  • Patient-centered culturally sensitive health care: Model testing and refinement.
    This article presents the results of an empirical test of a literature-based Patient-Centered Culturally Sensitive Health Care Model. This model was developed to explain and improve health care for ethnically diverse patients seen in community-based primary care clinics.
    Source: PubMed May 2011
  • Barriers to HIV/AIDS knowledge and prevention among deaf and hard of hearing people
    This study investigated knowledge about HIV/AIDS and barriers to HIV/AIDS education and prevention among deaf and hard of hearing people.
    Source: PubMed July 2005
  • Disability and HIV at a glance
    Reaching disabled individuals with HIV and AIDS messages, clinical care and reproductive health services presents unique challenges. This document provides guidance and information about resources for clinicians.
    Source: PubMed November 2004
  • Perceptions of HIV/AIDS by deaf gay men
    Deaf gay men represent a subpopulation of the gay male community at particularly high risk for HIV/AIDS due to numerous barriers including language, stigma, and inequitable access to health services. Study participants  described living at the intersection of multiple communities--the deaf, gay, and hearing--each characterized by unique communication styles, cultural expectations, and a propensity to marginalize outsiders. Health care providers were perceived as lacking compassion and largely ignorant to the needs of deaf persons, in general, and deaf gay men, in particular. Printed HIV materials were considered culturally inappropriate, incomprehensible, and ineffective. These findings suggest an extraordinary risk for adverse mental and physical health outcomes if care is not appropriately designed for this vulnerable population.
    Source: PubMed July-August 2004
  • Rape of individuals with disability: AIDS and the folk belief of virgin cleansing
    The authors used anthropological methods to study virgin rape of people with disabilities, a variation on virgin cleansing—the belief that people who have a venereal disease can rid themselves of the condition by transferring the virus through sexual intercourse, to a virgin.
    Source: PubMed May 2004
  • HIV/AIDS Behind Bars: An Avenue for Culturally Sensitive Interventions 2004
    The prevalence of HIV infection and the incidence of AIDS are higher among prison inmates compared to the general population
  • Reducing Health Disparities Through Culturally Sensitive Treatment for HIV+ Adults in Haiti
    Abstract outlining a comprehensive effort to culturally adapt a cognitive-behavioral stress management program for Haitian HIV+ individuals. The purpose of the program is to improve adherence to antiretroviral medication, reduce transmission to uninfected partners, and improve coping. Source: Pub Med: 2004
  • HIV and Individuals with disability
    Individuals who live with a permanent physical, sensory (deafness, blindness), intellectual, or mental health disability have been almost entirely overlooked despite the fact that they are at equal or increased risk of exposure to all known risk factors for HIV. The article presents results from the World Bank/Yale Global Survey on HIV/AIDS and Disability. The survey assessed the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on global populations.
    Source: PubMed April 2003
  • The Aging of HIV
    As the general population ages and the generation of baby boomers moves into mid life, the percentage of older adults at risk for HIV will increase. In addition, there are currently HIV positive adults who have transitioned into older adulthood with the virus, as well as an increased number of aging partners, family members, and caregivers.
    Source: NAHOF 2003
  • Cultural Competency Works
    As the United States grows in diversity, health care providers are increasingly challenged to understand and address the linguistic and cultural needs of a diverse clientele. The Health Resources and Services Administration [HRSA] has had a long-standing and particular interest in cultural competence because so many of its grantees provide care to traditionally underserved populations that include culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Source: HRSA 2001
  • Bridging language and cultural barriers between physicians and patients
    This study explored a group of primary care physicians' use of various methods to bridge language and cultural barriers between themselves and their patients and the physicians' perceptions of the availability and quality of these methods.
    Source: PubMed 1997
  • A Model for Cultural Competency in the HIV Management of African American Patients 2003
    Articles examines the challenges to provide culturally appropriate care to black patients who are infected with HIV.
  • Culturally Competent Healthcare Systems: A Systematic Review
    This article discusses how health disparities can be alleviated, in part, by creating and maintaining culturally competent healthcare systems that can at least overcome communication barriers that may preclude appropriate diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up
    Source: AJPM 2003
  • Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care…2002
    The Institute of Medicine report explores factors that may contribute to inequities in care; and recommend policies and practices to eliminate these inequities.
  • Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care
    This report provided a conclusive body of evidence that racial and ethnic disparities do exist and result in deleterious consequences for these populations and that inequities are entrenched in the US health care system. The IOM described the essential role of cultural competence in addressing disparities in health care.
    Source: Institute of Medicine (IOM), 2002
  • The promulgation of the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) in Health Care
    Established in 2001, these standards provided a framework for the implementation of services and organizational structures to meet the needs of diverse patient populations.
  • 2001, Mental Health: Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Supplement: A report of the Surgeon General
    This report was issued and which documented the extensive disparities in mental health status and treatment among the four most recognized minority racial and ethnic groups in the US and which proposed a number of public health policy initiatives including culturally competent care.
  • Public Law 106-525, the Minority Health and Health and Health Disparities Research Act
    In 2000, this law was enacted which established the National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities within the National Institutes of Health.
  • Alcohol and HIV/AIDS
    This Alcohol Alert briefly examines the changing patterns of HIV transmission in the United States; the role of alcohol in the transmission of HIV within, and potentially beyond, high-risk populations; the potential influence of alcohol abuse on the progression and treatment of HIV-related illness; and the benefits of making alcoholism treatment an integral part of HIV prevention programs
  • HIV Care for Sexual Minority Youth: HRSA Care ACTION. HIV/AIDS Bureau
    This article provides an overview of HIV disease among adolescents. It summarizes the issues that indivduals serving young people should understand and points readers in need of more in-depth information to a variety or resources available in print and on the web.
  • National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS)
    Resource outlining the National HIV/AIDS strategy as coordinated by the White House Office of National AIDS Policy.


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Howard University College of Medicine AIDS Education and Training Center - National Multicultural Center